Monday 29 September 2014

Being an Entrepreneur Means That Sometimes, You Just Have to Say No

A while back, I met with an employee to do an interim performance review. I was excited because I was about to surprise her with a significant pay increase in recognition of extra responsibilities she had taken on. Giving raises is one of the greatest pleasures for a business owner (at least it should be), and I had been looking forward to it all week. At the end of the review I told her what her new salary would be, and the entirety of her expressionless response was: "I thought this would come much sooner."
You know that "wah, waah, waaah" cartoon sound when something ends in excruciating disappointment? Yeah, that.
Then there was the supplier who asked if we could pay him a month early for a big production run, "just this one time." Having been on the other side of that situation a few times myself--and given that this was a friend, not to mention our key supplier, whose terms were a critical part of our inventory turnover and cash flow--I obliged.
When the next production run came around, I got the same request, with the promise: "This is really the last time I'll ask." Not wanting to let my pal down, I helped out again, though any experienced businessperson--and common sense--will tell you that repeated requests of this kind are a warning sign.
The third time he asked, I initially told him that while I appreciated his situation, we couldn't make another exception. He promised a super-rush shipment. What could I do? In fact, the shipment came two months late, which, when added to my prepayment, meant a cash hit lasting a full quarter.
Shame on me for putting my desire not to disappoint ahead of my responsibility to my business. Lesson learned? Nah, I still do stuff like that all the time.
I'm bad at saying no--a terrible problem to have in business.
Making people happy has always been among my highest priorities, a point of pride. I don't do it to be a hero; I don't even do it for gratitude (though as my grandmother might have pondered, Would it have killed her to say thanks?). I do it because I think it's right and good. But one of the hardest lessons I've learned in more than 20 years of running businesses is that the need to please can be a real handicap, and that it is, in fact, possible to care too much.
Don't get me wrong, I will never stop believing that a desire to make customers, employees and stakeholders insanely happy--and building a culture that facilitates that--is the highest calling of business ownership and the richest soil for growing a successful company. But the nuances here are desire vs. need, as well as understanding the differences between happiness, satisfaction and approval.
Where the trouble starts is when you feel that you must make someone happy or satisfy whatever wish or need they may have or, worst of all, elicit approval of your actions. Good leadership puts a priority on making the right (or at least best possible) decisions and accepting that they might not make everyone happy, much less win everyone's approval. When possible, you should try to please--perhaps even bending the rules a bit to do so, as you would when trying to satisfy a customer--but never at the expense of doing what you know to be best for the company overall.
People always come first in business. If owners and managers make the best possible decisions with good information, intentions and empathy, it will benefit the greater good. And those who don't like it, well, won't like it. Allow for that and move on.
I have always had trouble accepting the fact that I can't make everyone happy. If I could do it all over again, I wouldn't try quite as hard to do so.

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